

Pioneering the Next Era of Physiotherapy: Harnessing Digital Innovation and Cutting-Edge Technology.

Our exercise library boasts 3D animations, built with flexible technology for flawless use on various devices, including all current VR and AR headsets.

Explore XR

Immersive Exercise Prescription AR/VR App

We are an innovative company combining physiotherapy with immersive technology. Along with smartphone apps for iOS and Android and browser-based applications for patients, we develop cutting-edge AR (Augmented Reality) and VR (Virtual Reality) apps for eyewear devices. These solutions help patients follow prescribed exercise routines at home. The app includes life-sized human models demonstrating exercises, offering clear and precise guidance in a familiar environment.
Please find below the screens and the video to see how our AR app works from a patient’s perspective.

AR App’s Patient Perspective Photo Gallery:

Patient Perspective Video: Using the AR App to Perform Prescribed Exercises at Home

Since all our exercises are developed in 3D with a focus on precision, patients don’t necessarily need head-mounted headsets. They can simply use their smartphones or web browser apps to move the camera and view exercises from any angle, ensuring they capture all essential details.

Discover Our Interactive WebGL Module:
Experience Total Freedom with Dynamic Camera Control.

Our XR team is at the forefront of creating groundbreaking eyewear applications for physiotherapy and exercise science. By harnessing the capabilities of Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR), Mixed Reality (MR), collectively known as Extended Reality (XR), we're transforming therapeutic and fitness experiences into immersive journeys.

If your organisation—whether a wellness centre, hospital, extensive clinic network, or any other institution—is interested in adopting our cutting-edge exercise library through these immersive technologies, we warmly invite you to connect with our specialised XR division. Here, you'll discover more about our innovative solutions and how they can be integrated into your services. Please use contact form below:

Discover Immersive XR
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